Free Live MasterClass

Maximize your Sales Efforts

Join our webinar series on how to fine tune your revenue engine and boost your business growth. You will learn how to optimize your sales funnel, increase your conversion rates, and generate more revenue from your existing customers.

Learn from 11 experts who will share their insights and best practices from over a hundred years of combined experience. You will hear from CEOs, founders, consultants, and coaches who have helped thousands of businesses achieve their goals and overcome their challenges.

Don't miss this opportunity to get valuable tips and advice from industry leaders and successful entrepreneurs. The webinar series starts on November 14 and runs for four days. Each session is 25-minutes long and you can watch them live or on-demand. Register now and get access to all the sessions and bonus materials.

Tuesday, November 14

9am: 3 Trends in AI Accelerating Pipeline Generation in 2024, Matt Millen


10am: Creating Buyer Engagement with AI, Mario Marinez


11am: Connection, Culture, & Finding Fun with Teams, James Bennett

Wednesday, November 15

9am: Activating the Communication Lever, Paula White


10am: The Tech Stack for Increased Revenue, Shannon Gregg, Ph.D.


11am: Cracking the Code: Overcoming Annual Revenue Planning Challenges Through Integrated Alignment of Sales, Marketing, and Finace, Charles Teed

Thursday, November 16

9am: Cracking the Code to Nurturing Well-Being, Banishing Burnout, and Thriving in Business!, Neysha Arcelay


10am: Fine Tune Your Engine with Loving Your People: Webinar, Nicole Costantino


11am: Be the Only Option for your Ideal Customers, Brandon Lee

Friday, November 17

9am: Financials on the Fly, Lauren Harbecke


10am: Focusing on the Top 3 Fundamentals to Drive Revenue, Dionne Mejer

Hosted by Dionne Mejer,
Founder, (inside) Sales by Design

A 25+year Sales veteran and executive, Dionne specializes in establishing, aligning, and growing GTM strategies and teams.

All times are Pacific Standard.

Matt Millen

9am PST Tuesday, November 14
Fine Tune your Revenue Engine: 3 AI trends accelerating pipeline generation in 2024
AI has captured the minds and hearts of many B2B sales teams as the impact potential remains most promising there. Now that teams have experimented with AI in their sales workflows, where do they go from here? This session will reveal 3 trends early adopters of AI in sales are uncovering while giving practical examples on how to incorporate AI-powered sales automation into your own GTM strategies.

BIO: Matt Millen is a veteran of the tech industry with over 30 years of experience leading high-performance sales teams. His sweet spot is focusing on business growth through sales excellence and customer experience design and he believes passionately in putting the human touch back into sales. Whether tossing around a football with his staff or providing a listening ear, Matt is a natural-born mentor who always has time to listen or give a piece of advice.

Matt has showcased his high-octane, convincing personality at all types of public appearances, such as conferences, podcasts and discussion panels. He's held distinguished executive leadership positions with T-Mobile USA Inc., Tech Data Corp., and Gateway Computers - just to name a few. His extensive experience extends even further to include organizations like Sapper Consulting,, FLEXE, Robbin's Research International, and Government Acquisitions.

In addition to being Co-Founder and President at, Matt's 5-to-9 dance card is full of interests including fast cars and rollercoasters; his diverse hobbies may even outshine his professional accolades (we said may).

Mario Martinez

10am PST Tuesday, November 14
Fine Tune your Revenue Engine: Creating Buyer Engagement with AI
In the past 7 years, we have had the incredible opportunity to assist and guide renowned Fortune 1000 executives and their sellers in enhancing their marketing and sales strategies to achieve significant growth.

One thing that has always been consistent… Sales leaders and sellers have leveraged channels like email and phone in automated ways that unfortunately drive less than 3% buyer engagement rates. In addition, channels like social have either become “spray and pray” grounds or not leveraged either at all or certainly not correctly.

Sellers have reported that on average each social engagement takes up to 15 minutes per customer. If you were responsible for targeting 50 prospects a day that would take a seller 12.5 hours. Social engagement has been impossible at best to engage “authentically” and with “relevance.”

Until now.

During this session we will take you through the journey of enabling sellers to create buyer engagement with AI. Not just AI automation… Rather AI that keeps the human (seller) in the loop and accelerates buyer engagement.

In this session you will learn three things that you can immediately implement with your sales team, they are:

A. Challenges of Buyer Engagement in this third channel
B. How to Scale Buyer Engagement and Get Results
C. How to Drive Seller Visibility and Drive Inbound

BIO: Mario is the CEO and Founder of Vengreso the creators of FlyMSG AI All-inOne Productivity Assistant that types and writes for you and saves you an hour a day. He's spent 25 years in B2B Sales, Marketing and Executive Leadership. In 2023, he was named Most Influential CEO - Software Solutions category by CEO Monthly and was selected as one of 20 sales influencers invited to appear in the documentary film “The Story of Sales.” Mario hosts the popular The Modern Selling Podcast. 

James Bennett

11am PST Tuesday, November 14
Fine Tune your Revenue Engine: Connection, Culture, & Finding Fun with Teams
Are you worried about burnout, quiet quitting, or disconnection?  Every company, even big ones like Adobe or Meta, that I heard from at Culture summit is worried about all three. The Surgeon General has declared loneliness an epidemic and this is no less true at work.. How are you going to help your team navigate the new workplace? The starting point for any leader that wants to build a successful team is  connection. Join me to explore connection, culture, and personality in this session in pursuit of activating your team.

BIO: Hi. The internet tells me that my bio should provide background, context, a way to introduce me, or credibility. But my heart, and my need to hack things, tells me that I've been given a full paragraph to use however I want and you will read it. That's pretty cool. It feels pretty good to have your attention. Maybe instead of telling you about my journey through entrepreneurship, or my epic pivot during COVID, I should just invite you to coffee and we could trade stories. Seriously, email me at james@fireflyteamevents or text me at 949.439.9641. As an introvert I love when people make the first move and I'm happy to chat. I guess since you're still here you should might find it useful to know I cofounded a team building company and work with the biggest brands in the world. My wife says I just play games with adults. It's an accurate assessment. It's all about connection in my world and play never fails at connection. Tag, you're it.

Paula White

9am PST Wednesday , November 15
Fine Tune your Revenue Engine: Activating the Communication Lever
As a leader, you understand the levers of business success. But there's one powerful revenue lever often overlooked - the Communication Lever. It's not about routine meetings or newsletters; it's about making meaningful connections with your team. In today's world, we're only absorbing 7% of what we hear. This session will equip you to bridge this gap, building trust and boosting productivity. You'll learn to navigate the four zones of listening: Background, Reflect, Active, and Unexpected, enhancing your leadership and results. This isn't just 'feel good' theory; it's a practical tool for transformative business outcomes.

Join us for a dynamic 25-minute webinar tailored for business owners and senior sales leaders in the B2B landscape. In this session, we will delve into the essential technologies that can supercharge revenue generation, regardless of the size of your company.

BIO: Paula S. White, a dynamic business leader with over 15 years of corporate and entrepreneurial experience, excels at transforming Sales Teams into multi-million-dollar channels. Paula’s secret sauce? Communication, strategic planning, and exceptional team leadership. Using these superpowers, she consistently shattered revenue growth targets across various industries by 8%-10% each year.

What sets Paula apart? Her unique blend of music and business, passionately shared through her book, "Side B: Remix Your Leadership Style", and her workshops. In this People-Centric Economy, Paula understands the importance of relationships and intentional communication in driving top- and bottom-line growth. She takes immense satisfaction in nurturing talent and unlocking potential, creating transformative results.

With her profound love for music and results, Paula isn't just making waves in the business world - she's conducting symphonies.

Shannon Gregg

10am PST Wednesday , November 15
Fine Tune your Revenue Engine: The Tech Stack for Increased Revenue
1. Navigating Sales Technology Landscape: Gain insights into the current categories of sales technologies and understand why they are indispensable for driving revenue growth.

2. Building a Robust Sales Tech Stack: Learn best practices for establishing a Sales Tech Stack that aligns with your business goals. Discover how the right combination of tools can streamline processes and elevate your sales team's performance.

3. The Sales Triangle: Explore the core elements of "The Sales Triangle: People, Process, Technology," as outlined in our exclusive white paper. Understand the synergy between these elements and how they form the foundation for sustained revenue success.

Exclusive Offer:
As a participant, you will receive a complimentary copy of our white paper, "The Sales Triangle: People, Process, Technology," providing you with a comprehensive guide to optimizing your sales strategy.

Don't miss this opportunity to Fine Tune Your Revenue Engine. Secure your spot now and gain the knowledge to propel your sales team to new heights.

BIO: Shannon J. Gregg, PhD, MBA, is an aficionado of sales technology to increase efficiency in the sales process, and an early adopter and adoption influencer for sales technology systems, particularly and technology that integrates with the Salesforce platform.  Shannon is known as a change agent, particularly in M&A environments (VC/PE), with successful track record of integrating process, product/service pricing and pricing methodologies, and notably, global teams, with cultural sensitivity.

Having stood up three sales operations teams in technology firms, Dr. Shannon Gregg is no stranger to the needs of a growing company to identify efficient and effective sales process in order to drive revenue as quickly as possible.  She’s hyper focused on improving sales productivity and optimization and is known for her ability to hone in on areas to improve with a lean approach, and her charismatic candor.

Dr. Gregg is the president of Cloud Adoption Solutions, a sales process and consulting practice, and she also provides keynote talks, consulting and workshops on sales productivity.  Her popular book, “It’s About Time,” is available now, and is being used by sales teams across the country to refocus on what’s really important to drive revenue and results.  She also instructs the Professional Selling course at Point Park University.

Shannon delights sales teams, sales management, and executive sponsors with her ability to improve sales to drive results. She earned her BA from the University of Pittsburgh, her MBA in Management and her PhD in Community Engagement from Point Park University.  Her dissertation topic was “How Diffusion of Innovations, Change Management, and Adult Learner User Adoption Theories Impact Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Adoption and Usage in Nonprofit Organizations.”  She also competes on a jazz dance team for moms. 

Charles Teed

11am PST Wednesday , November 15
Fine Tune your Revenue Engine: Cracking the Code: Overcoming Annual Revenue Planning Challenges through Integrated Alignment of Sales, Marketing, and Finance
Outset, our Revenue Prediction AI engine allows you to accurately predict when and how much revenue will be generated based on historicals and anticipated programs and strategies targeted at improving metrics.

• The engine leverages historical data points such as leads, SQOs, Win Rates, Average Deal Size, Sales Cycles, and other metrics to create a forward-looking view up to 36 months out.

• Create a quota capacity and hiring model aligned with Finance, leveraging data points like hire dates, quota by role, ramp time, forecasted attrition, and more.

• Outset will map out your customer journey and get alignment on the key metrics that drive the model. Working with Sales, Marketing, Partners, Success, Finance, and Operations to make sure everyone is always looking at the same blueprint.

BIO: Charles is a dynamic and highly skilled sales executive with progressive experience in various domains, including software, online advertising, call centers, e-commerce, and marketing. Throughout his career, he has excelled in coaching and mentoring sales teams to peak performance, leveraging his deep understanding of market trends, key competition, and industry changes to drive increased sales. Charles is renowned for his exceptional leadership, communication, team building, strategic planning, and problem-solving skills, all of which have contributed to creating client-focused organizational cultures resulting in significantly higher sales and customer satisfaction.

In his current role as Vice President of Sales at LeadIQ, Charles spearheads the sales prospecting platform that empowers businesses to discover emails and contact information, enrich data with company insights and social profiles, and seamlessly sync with CRMs with a single click. Prior to this, Charles served as Founding Vice President of Commercial & Mid Market Sales at Mavenlink, where he revolutionized the way businesses work with distributed teams and clients globally through enterprise-class Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions for project management, collaboration, and financial management

Neysha Arcelay

9am PST Thursday , November 16
Fine Tune your Revenue Engine: Cracking the Code to Nurturing Well-Being, Banishing Burnout, and Thriving in Business! 
In today's fast-paced and demanding business world, maintaining well-being is not just a luxury but a strategic necessity. The session, "Cracking the Code for Nurturing Well-Being, Banishing Burnout, and Thriving in Business," is designed to empower professionals with the knowledge and tools needed to prioritize their well-being while achieving peak performance in the workplace.

Drawing on the research, real-world examples, and insights, participants will discover actionable strategies to:
· Reconnect with yourself.
· Develop an inner compass.
· Establish goals.
· Achieve sustainable success.

BIO: Neysha is a transformation Advisor and coach guiding business leaders to overcome burnout, heal, and get their minds to work for them instead of against them.

After two decades in Fortune companies, Neysha launched her business in 2016. Today, she leverages her vast cross-industry experience and my decades long studies in personal growth, to help stressed and burned-out leaders get out of their overwhelmed state and discover hidden potential.

Neysha’s commitment to empowerment makes her an active community leader. Whether through her book, her businesses, published work, or social media channels, she relentlessly works to elevate, empower, and transform mindsets to achieve growth.

Nicole Constantino

10am PST Thursday, November 16
Fine Tune your Revenue Engine: Unleash Your Revenue Potential:  Fine Tune Your Engine with Loving Your People: Webinar!
Are you ready to transform your business's revenue engine? Join our engaging and eye-catching webinar, "Fine Tune your Revenue Engine: Loving Your People," designed for forward-thinking business leaders like you!

Discover the secrets to supercharging your revenue with three critical insights:
1. Strategic Hiring and Alignment:
2. Maximizing Revenue Potential through Onboarding and Training:
  • Explore the pivotal role of a robust onboarding process in revenue optimization.
3. Workforce Morale and Continuous Feedback

By attending this webinar, you'll gain a deep understanding of these three key areas, equipping you with the knowledge to optimize your organization's revenue engine by nurturing and unleashing the full potential of your most valuable asset: your people. Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize your revenue strategies and foster sustainable growth. Register now and secure your future success!

BIO:  Nicole Costantino is a seasoned professional in the field of Human Resources, currently serving as the Chief People Officer at HR Power10, a prominent HR consultancy business headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. With a remarkable career spanning over two decades, Nicole brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table, making her a driving force in the HR industry.

Nicole's career has been marked by her exceptional coaching and consulting skills, underpinned by a deep understanding of project management. Her ability to plan, execute, and enhance processes has consistently delivered results, making her an invaluable asset to organizations across various sectors. Nicole's diverse portfolio includes extensive work in healthcare, transportation, and the skilled trades, further underscoring her versatility and adaptability.

At the core of Nicole's professional mission is her unwavering commitment to simplifying HR practices. Her vision is to empower individuals to become the best versions of themselves, especially when businesses are striving to excel in a competitive landscape. Nicole's dedication to streamlining HR processes and fostering personal growth has left an indelible mark on the organizations she's worked with.

Brandon Lee

11am PST Thursday, November 16
Fine Tune your Revenue Engine: Be the Only Option for your Ideal Customers

Beyond the Funnel: Pioneering the Revenue Zone Matrix to Become the Only Option For Your Ideal Customers

Revolutionize Your Revenue: Beyond the Funnel to Future Profits! Dive into the dynamic realm of B2B sales with Fist Bump's groundbreaking webinar. Gone are the days of traditional funnels - discover a cutting-edge Revenue Zone Matrix model tailored to modern buyer behaviors and turbocharge your sales strategies. Unveil the secrets to constructing a qualified pipeline and harnessing a surge of predictable revenue growth. Join us, pioneer a new era of sales success. 

BIO: Brandon Lee is a serial entrepreneur creating revenue and marketing services and technology. He has had 3 successful exits and is currently the founder of Fist Bump. Fist Bump helps companies enable modern digital strategies with social selling to amplify business growth.

Lauren Harbecke

9am PST Friday, November 17
Fine Tune your Revenue Engine: Financials on the Fly
Giving participants an opportunity to use proven front line operational tactics to achieve financial success. Focusing on a realistic approach to selling in the real world & giving your teams what they need to be successful. Staying ready by never letting our controllables run on auto pilot and knowing your disaster relief plan. Taking a closer look into how using all your resources can help you achieve your financial goals.

BIO: Lauren Harbecke is an accomplished front-line operations Management expert. Lauren specializes in varying topics including Guest & Employee relations, cost & sales management, and leadership development. With over 2 decades in restaurant hospitality, she has had the opportunity to lead teams to success as well as train varying levels of Management in leadership skills and technical skills that helped affect change to the health of their business and personal mindset. She believes in achieving a great work life balance through practicing proven leadership methods that help you run a successful business without it running you. It is then that you are your best self as a leader and as a person. In her spare time, she practices Brazilian Jui-jitsu and spends time with her husband Brian and her toy poodle Lord Stanley in the Phoenix area. 

Dionne Mejer

10am PST Friday, November 17
Fine Tune your Revenue Engine: Focusing on the Top 3 Fundamentals to Drive Revenue
Join us as we talk about the timeless principles of business success that can take your sales to the next level! Learn how to generate more leads, close more deals, and increase your revenue and profits with a proven system. Plus, get a free improvement simulator to test different scenarios and see how they affect your results.

During the session, we'll talk about three of 12 key areas you need to focus on to achieve your sales goals, from the importance of purpose to the power of differentiation and how to bring marketing and sales together.

Don't miss this opportunity to refocus on the key areas that can jumpstart your business, prioritize where to start to get the biggest return on effort, and create a plan to continue your efforts beyond step one. Get inspired to tackle the areas needed to grow your business now and in the future!

Free Gift: Access to our Profit Acceleration Simulator that lets you test different scenarios and see how they affect your results. Access it here.

BIO: Dionne is an experienced sales executive and advisor with more than 25 years of experience. She helps organizations to create, improve, and execute their GTM strategies and teams with her advisory and fractional services. She also shares her insights and best practices in her book, The Stepped Approach, which you can find on Amazon. This book has helped hundreds of sales leaders around the world to onboard, systemize, and motivate their sales teams. Dionne works as an accountability partner and brings a fresh and honest perspective to every challenge. She is known for her direct and humorous approach, which makes working with her enjoyable and effective. Her clients have seen amazing results in various metrics, both measurable and intangible!

Learn How to Fine Tune your Revenue Engine

  • Yes, Sales and Marketing can get along to drive revenue!
  • Prioritize where to start to get the biggest return on effort
  • Yes, taking care of yourself matters (put your oxygen mask on first before helping us)!
  • Yes, math and numbers can be our friend and tell a story!

Copyright © Inside Sales by Design 2023